by Enrichment Therapies | Aug 3, 2017 | Math, Reading, School Aged Activities, Science, Social Skills
Check out our academic program, LEAP! LEAP is a small-group, classroom program designed for students who learn best in an environment with minimal distractions and a low student-to-teacher ratio. We focus on the core subjects of reading, math, writing, science, and...
by Enrichment Therapies | May 30, 2017 | School Aged Activities, Science
By Haley Hall, B.A. LEAP Instructor & Learning Specialist Throughout the past month, we have had 10 little class pets in LEAP. We’re studying butterflies and have been observing our Painted Lady caterpillars daily. To learn more about what the caterpillars...
by Enrichment Therapies | May 15, 2017 | School Aged Activities, Science
By Haley Hall, B.A. LEAP Instructor & Learning Specialist Throughout the past two weeks or so we have had 10 little class pets in LEAP. We’re studying butterflies and have been observing our Painted Lady caterpillars daily. We had 2 cups with 5 caterpillars...
by Enrichment Therapies | Feb 20, 2017 | Science
By Elizabeth Drewelow Who doesn’t love a science experiment? If I even hint at the fact that we will be performing a science activity in class, there are gasps of excitement and smiles that stretch a mile wide. In our class, we are all scientists, making guesses and...