by Enrichment Therapies | Jun 10, 2020 | Resources, School Aged Activities, Speech & Language, Toddler/Pre-K Activities
1. Head to for interactive games that are great for expanding language or following directions. You can make pizzas and cakes, build houses or faces and so much more. Have your child describe what they are doing or request for different parts when...
by Enrichment Therapies | Aug 8, 2019 | Resources, School Aged Activities
By: Jaimi Bird, M.A., CCC-SLP Is your child prepared for the school year to begin? Does your house have a feeling of excitement or the undercurrent of dread? Here are 5 tips to make this school year start off well. Most families are getting their school supply list...
by Enrichment Therapies | Sep 19, 2018 | Developmental Stages, Speech & Language, Toddler/Pre-K Activities
by Jaimi Bird, M.A., CCC-SLP Has your child started preschool, but it has not been a smooth start? Is your daycare provider starting to raise concerns about the way your child plays with other children or how they communicate? During storytime at the library or...
by Enrichment Therapies | May 24, 2018 | Developmental Stages, Resources, Speech & Language
Better Hearing & Speech Month, a month dedicated to increasing the awareness about communication disorders and the role of speech-language pathologists in providing treatment, is almost at an end! The month of May was an exciting time here at ETLC. We all were...
by Enrichment Therapies | May 3, 2018 | Developmental Stages, Resources, Social Skills, Speech & Language
written by Jaimi Bird, M.A., CCC-SLP Do you know what a speech-language pathologist does? Have you wondered if a speech-language pathologist can help your child? Are you worried that your child may not be meeting their communication milestones? This is the perfect...